”Perhaps the most beautiful and characteristic of all superficial marks are the small furrows with the intervening ridges and their pores that are disposed in a singularly complex yet even order on the under surfaces of the hands and feet.”
- Francis Galton, an English anthropologist

At Awesome Health, as we celebrate the individuality and uniqueness of every human, we symbolize it with the simple lines of a fingerprint, which also gives our brand its uniquely bold and awesome look.
Reflecting the uniqueness of everyone it celebrates, our brand is created to be both inspirational and aspirational. One that offers passion, purpose and presence throughout all life states.

How do we do it
We celebrate every individual, for all they are, however they
show up. From the laugh lines, to the curves and to every mark that
tells a story or stirs up a memory. The good, the bad, the high,
the low, the divine inspiration and the daily grind.
We celebrate it all, because being awesome is more
than a word. It's more than a feeling. It's a state of